Radically Open DBT
What Is Radically Open DBT?
Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO-DBT) is an evidence-based approach to therapy that helps people cope with emotions and behavioral patterns stemming from excessive self-control, often referred to as overcontrol (1). While RO-DBT is particularly helpful for guiding people with eating disorders throughout treatment, it can also be a powerful healing approach for those who engage in other negative habits that are rooted in overcontrol.
People who struggle with overcontrol tend to hold themselves to high personal standards and repeatedly sacrifice their personal needs and desires to achieve their goals or help other people. However, they have difficulty fostering close bonds with other people and allowing themselves to be vulnerable. Radically Open DBT can help people get comfortable with vulnerability and flexibility, enabling them to strengthen their relationships and practice self-compassion.
How Effective Is Radically Open DBT?
While standard Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) assists people struggling with undercontrol to build emotional regulation and healthy communication skills, Radically Open DBT enables people to address overcontrol issues that hold them back from building relationships with others, communicating honestly, and dealing with environmental changes or routine shifts.
With more than 25 years of research illustrating the effectiveness of this approach, Radically Open DBT is recognized as an “Empirically Supported Treatment” by the American Psychological Association (2). A study conducted by Lynch et al. determined that RO-DBT leads to significant improvements in depression symptoms after 7 months compared to standard therapy treatments, and additional trials have indicated that RO-DBT is beneficial for adults and adolescences with anorexia, other restrictive eating disorders, and anxiety.
How Does Radically Open DBT Work?
Radically Open DBT includes three primary focus areas: openness to a changing environment, flexibility, and social connectedness. An individual who is interested in Radically Open DBT will start treatment by meeting with their therapist for individual sessions. In time, they will also begin attending group therapy sessions, where they will focus on learning RO-DBT skills within a community.
Group RO-DBT sessions are centered around skills training. These skills include mindfulness, communication, distress tolerance, and emotional regulation. However, in RO-DBT group sessions, the individuals will work on implementing these skills with an emphasis on receptivity, openness, and a flexible rather than rigid sense of control. Over time, participants will find it easier to form intimate, trusting social connections.
Connectivity is the core of Radically Open DBT. In group sessions, people develop openness to feedback, even when being challenged, and practice flexibility when responding to adversity. As they explore their automatic responses and emotional reactions, they will start expressing their genuine emotions with confidence, which helps people deepen their connections with others.
Who Can Benefit From Radically Open DBT?
Anyone who is experiencing the negative effects of perfectionism and excessive self-control can benefit from Radically Open DBT. Overcontrol can also manifest as an eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa, AFRID, or bulimia. Additionally, many people with chronic depression, OCD, autism spectrum disorder, personality disorders, and chronic anxiety suffer from overcontrol.
RO-DBT emphasizes the principle of Radical Openness, upholding the importance of independent action and thought. Through this modality, people open themselves up to humility and a willingness to learn as they change the way they relate to others. People can gain a new understanding of how they perceive others, and how these perceptions affect their actions. By letting go of controlling patterns like behavioral avoidance, inauthentic emotional expression, and social comparison, people can overcome oppressive thoughts while showing up fully in their personal, professional, and social lives.
Our Background In Radically Open DBT
Our therapists have completed the RO-DBT certification through the organization Radically Open, enabling our practitioners to facilitate skills groups in addition to working with clients one-on-one in individual RO-DBT sessions. Through individual and group sessions, our staff is prepared to integrate Radically Open DBT into treatment for eating disorders, anxiety, treatment-resistant depression, OCD, and other disorders. Standard DBT often feels insufficient for people struggling with overcontrol, and by offering Radically Open DBT, we assist clients in becoming psychologically flexible in different environments and situations while creating opportunities to build connections.
Why We Offer Radically Open DBT
At Lift Wellness Group, our therapists have supported many clients through eating disorder treatment, including evaluating and addressing the underlying mental health conditions that often precede these eating disorders.
Within our practice, eating disorder treatment encompasses nutritional receding, weight restoration, and supporting our clients in healing from the mental health conditions such as anxiety, OCD, depression, and other conditions that are commonly associated with eating disorders. RO-DBT represents a potentially transformative new healing pathway for people with eating disorders and other disorders that are characterized by overcontrol and perfectionism.
Radically Open DBT helps people open themselves up to feedback while getting comfortable with vulnerability. Over time, this leads to stronger social connections rooted in authentic self-expression. By guiding clients through RO-DBT, our therapists help people become truly empowered individuals who are capable of cultivating strong relationships.
You Can Open Yourself Up To New Experiences And Social Connections
If you’re interested in Radically Open DBT, we encourage you to fill out our contact form or call our office at 203-908-5603 to schedule your first session.